Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Summer!

I havent blogged for a long time but I have done lots of stuff over the summer. I don't know where to start. But I'll start with when me and Brenna went to California. My favorite part was when we went on the California Screamin'. We got to go on it 4 times!! I wasn't prepared for the big shoot-off in the beginning and we went upside down. It was a blast! We went on lots of other rides too. It was so fun to be with Brenna becaus without her I don't know what I would do. She is my best friend and always there for me. We has so much fun at Disneyand. I got Mary and Burt's autograph from Mary Poppins. And I also got Mikey's autograph. We also went to the beach and jumped over some really big waves. We also found lots of sand crabs. Now I am going to talk about Utah. We stayed there for 11 days. And we visited lots of our cousins and family. We went to my grandpa's house and I GALLOPPED ON A HORSE!!! It was so much fun! We went camping to my granpa's property for the fourth of july. I rode a 4 wheeler! When we were leaving Utah, my cousin Haley got to come home with us! She stayed for 6 days. We swam a lot, it was so fun. Now I'm going to talk about our exchange student, Elvira. She is 15 years old and from China. She has been here for 3 weeks. She is very nice and we all love her! She is the funniest girl ever! Its really interesting to hear about China. And she speaks Chinese for us really fast and its really cool. She is really happy and really fun to be around. This weekend, we went camping with Elvira. While we were camping, Mariah turned 16. And we went on a really hard hike to a big huge waterfall. I jumped off it!!! it was so hard to swim against the current! But it was so pretty and fun. And now, i'm going to talk about this place called mighty mud mania that I went to with Haley my cousin. My best friend Brenna was there too. And we went on an obstacle course there and i went all the way underneath the mud. I was drenched in mud! But it was worth it cuz it was really fun. So now you know that my summer is kind of crazy. And everyone is starting school tommorrow except for me. I have about 2 weeks until I start school. And I am SO SO SO excited!!! And today, I was reading the comments on my moms blog about me singing and I felt so special that everyone was so nice to me. So thankyou everyone who left a comment. My goal is to be an actress but I will keep on singing too. You guys are all the best! And thats all for this post. Love ya!