Friday, November 5, 2010

rain rain rain

ok well hello, so resently we had October and every one said it would rain all day every day......well that didnt happen,but now its November and its raining all day really hard for like 3 days now!! haha so it swiched i guess .But there hasnt been this much rain they say for 20 years!! and in San Jose there was a mud slide!! the houses slid down the mountain...and killed lots of poeple. so sad. well so today we decide to go to the beach and well what do you know, it starts pouring!! haha but we are having fun.
its really nice just to relax alot and play on rainy days. its will be more fun when Mariah comes for a while in 5 weeks and 2 days and 17 hours and 12 min. haha kidding. only 5 weeks and 2 days. i miss her so much.
Also there are these bugs that are GIANT grass hoppers i mean GIANT!! there so creepy onelandedon abe and scrached him haha you should haveseen him freak out..haha well i love you all!!


Shaun Zimmerman said...

Poor Abe! But that was pretty funny. Maybe you can get a picture of one of them for us to see?